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BCHS Announcement 2/4/20

February 3, 2020

Class of 2022, there will be an important Parent Meeting tomorrow night at 6:00pm in the Auditorium. We will be sharing information about class opportunities for your junior year. The meeting will be followed up with a 7:00pm meeting to discuss the Early College Program.

Hey Seniors! A representative from the University of Michigan – Flint will be here for a visit on Thursday at 10:00 am. If you would like to meet with her on that day, sign up in the Counseling Office.

Class of 2021, senior year is right around the corner.  Please encourage your parents to attend the Parent Meeting on Thursday night at 6:00pm in the Auditorium.  In addition to discussing classes for senior year, we will have a Financial Aid Representative from Delta sharing FAFSA information, a Representative from the Midland Area Community Foundation sharing scholarship opportunities, and a Representative from the Midland County ESA sharing opportunities for Career & Technical Education.

Lunch Tomorrow: Mac & Cheese with Toppings or Rib Sandwich, Garlic Twisted Breadstick, Spinach & Romaine, Carrots, Tomatoes & Cucumbers, Slushie Cup or Fresh Fruit.

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