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Today at BCMS

2 H will be in room 309 today (Mr. Laughner’s room)

Reminder to all 8th graders . . . . . please turn in your EDP’s to Mrs. Fermoyle by this Friday.

Students if you are missing items from the locker clean up, come by the office during your lunch hour.  After Friday all items will be donated.

Northwood University Volleyball Basic Individual Skills Camp forms are in the office.  Camp dates are January 7th & 14th.

“Centershot” Archery classes start Jan. 29th, stop in the office for more information and forms.

This Friday January 6th 100 kids equals 100 whip cream pies! If 100 students walk through the doors of the Rock Youth Center 100 whipped cream pies will be made for each student to pie their favorite ROCK Staff member.

Lunch Tomorrow: Cook’s Choice, and Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.


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