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BCHS Announcements 2/14/20

February 14, 2020

Attention Spring Sport Athletes – Sign up sheets are on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk in the main office. Sign up now!

The drama club is looking for additional actors for their spring play. Anyone interested should talk to Mr. Shields before school Monday in room 2D or after school Monday outside the auditorium.

Hey all Lancers!  The annual semi-formal Sadie Hawkins dance is Saturday, February 29th, from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. Remember ladies…this means YOU do the asking!! Tickets go on sale Monday, February 24th and will be sold for $10 a couple, and $8 for a single during both lunches. Guess passes are in the main office and need to be filled out BEFORE you buy your tickets. It’s a night you won’t want to miss! 

Here’s an announcement from Project 111 about SPEEDING –

1/3 of all fatal crashes are caused by SPEEDING!! Teenagers and young adults had the highest incidence of fatal crashes when their speed was too fast. Speeding doesn’t just include going over the speed limit. It also includes driving too fast for road conditions. Posted speed limits are a recommendation, it doesn’t mean that is what you should ALWAYS go. Most fatal speed related crashes are single-vehicle and there’s a higher percentage of speed related crashes on rural roads, on curves and at night. Remember – when it’s raining or snowing – SLOW DOWN!

Lunch Monday: Ravioli w/Twisted Garlic Stick or Meatball Sub, Fresh Spinach & Romaine, Shredded Carrots & Pepper Strips, Fresh Fruit or Strawberry Cup.

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