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BCHS Announcement 2/18/20

February 18, 2020

Attention Spring Sport Athletes – Sign up sheets are on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk in the main office. Sign up now, meetings will be next Wednesday, February 26th.

Applications for the Early College Program are due to the Counseling Center by the end of the day tomorrow. Please see Mrs. Brown if you have any questions.

Seniors, scholarships were recently updated. Check out the many opportunities on the BC website or on the bulletin boards in D-Wing or the Lancer Lounge.  Remember, the Midland Area Community Foundation scholarship deadline is March 1st.

Hey all Lancers!  The annual semi-formal Sadie Hawkins dance is Saturday, February 29th, from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. Remember ladies…this means YOU do the asking!! Tickets go on sale Monday, February 24th and will be sold for $10 a couple, and $8 for a single during both lunches. Guest passes are in the main office and need to be filled out BEFORE you buy your tickets. It’s a night you won’t want to miss! 

Lunch Tomorrow: Double Burger or French Bread Pizza, Grilled Peppers & Onions, Lettuce & Spinach, and Various Sauces, Fresh Fruit or Peach Cup.

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