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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
This week at BCMS…
1.  Band Festival tonight at the BCHS for middle school students.  Festival for our HS students will be tomorrow at BCHS.  Good luck to our kids!
2.  Students interested in track should sign up in the office – flyer is attached.
3.  7th Grade students will be taking the MiPhy (Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth Survey) from the Michigan Department of Education.  Please see the attachment for details regarding the survey and opt out form.
4.  March 19th – BCMS Dance 2:30-4:00pm
5.  Spring break begins:  March 27th  –  classes resume on April 6th
6.  March 25th – Parents will have a wonderful opportunity to attend a presentation with Dr. Dormoff, from CMU, who will be discussing how to navigate raising teens/tweens with the social media they are exposed to now.  At the end of the presentation there will be a panel discussion and a question/answer  session.  I would highly encourage parents to sign up and attend this presentation.  A light dinner and childcare will be available.  Please see the attached flyer for a sign up link and details.
7.  See additional attachments for more community information.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses

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