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Teacher Technology Resources

Teachers –

Here are a list of technology-related options available to you to continue contact with your students while the District is closed.

Please keep in mind these two important points:

1. Not all of our students have access to technology.
2. The resource demands for audio/video can quickly exceed capacity (you or your student’s home internet connection may not be able to handle video conferencing).

We can help with any of these, just ask.

Video conferencing is available through Google Meet, it is free and effectively unlimited. We recommend it instead of Zoom or other platforms. This is listed below as well, but is the most popular question we are getting.

Additional resources:

1. Skyward

Skyward Message Center allows you to send emails and post messages to Family Access to your students and also their guardians.

Skyward has online assessment functionality.

Skyward has a survey function in EA.

2. Google

Google Classroom offers communication, assignments, shared resources and assessment.

Google Meet is available for group communication including video chat, audio (phone in) chat, screen resource sharing and more.

3. Learning Hub

Share student educational resources within the District’s google document. Open Google Docs and select “shared with me” to locate the “Bullock Creek School District Home Resource Hub” document. If you do not have access, please contact Jeramey Valley.

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