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Today at BCMS

Drama!  Drama!  Drama!  Play try-outs will be Tuesday, January 10 and Thursday, January 12 in room 305 (Mrs. Brandt’s room) from 2:30 – 4:00.  Only attend one day. Sign up in the office and pick up a calendar and information sheet.  Fill out the information sheet and bring it to try-outs with you.

BCMS Annual Ski Trip on Feb. 2 the information and forms are in the office.  Deadline to sign up is January 27th.

2H tomorrow will be in Mrs. Rinn’s room #115.

Lancer clothing on sale in the office.  Hoodies, Sweatshirts, T Shirts and Pullovers from $10 to $25.  Order forms are in the office.

There will be a Student School Improvement Committee Mgt. after school on this Thursday.  Anyone on the committee is welcome to attend.  We will meet in Mrs. Johnston’s room Room 107.  The meeting will last from 2:30 to 3:30.  Make sure that you have transportation at 3:30.  Any questions please see Mrs. Fermoyle

There will be a Lancer Leaders meeting on Friday during 4th hour.  Please bring your ideas.  We will have you get your lunch in the cafeteria (during 8th grade lunch) and we will eat in the library.  See you then.

Northwood University Volleyball Basic Individual Skills Camp forms are in the office.  Camp dates are January 7th & 14th.

“Centershot” Archery classes start Jan. 29th, stop in the office for more information and forms.

Friday January 13th at the Rock Pool Tournament! Come and try your hand at our pool tables. Prizes will be awarded.

Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken Nuggets, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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