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Students start 9/8/20

First day of school is now Tuesday, September 8th for both online and in-person classes.


Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Students:

As you know, our district staff has been working very hard getting ready for the beginning of the school year. We have been working diligently putting our Return to Learn Plan fully in place to provide the safest, most conducive learning environment for our students.

Unfortunately, we received notification today that not all of our Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), specifically our desk shields for shared tables, will not be delivered until early next week due to shipping and delivery issues. Because of this delay, we will be moving our start date for the 2020-21 school year to September 8, 2020. It is because of our utmost care for the safety of our students and staff that we make this difficult decision knowing that it puts a strain on families who now need to make adjustments to their beginning of the year plans.

The District has verified that we will NOT be required to make this time up. The school year will not be extended because of this later start date. We will plan for the last day of school to still be June 9, 2021, at this point in time.

Unfortunately, even the best laid plans and the hardest of work sometimes doesn’t get us where we need to be. We want to be in the best position possible to keep your children safe and in an environment where they and our staff are protected. Know that Bullock Creek Administrators, Teachers, Support Staff, and Custodians will continue to work hard next week in preparation to make September 8, 2020, a great first day for students. Thank your for your continued patience as we work through these challenging times.



Shawn J. Hale Superintendent

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