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9/11/2020 – Pine River News: Drop Off & Pick Up

September 10, 2020
Pine River Elementary Families,
I want to thank you for all of your patience with the student drop off and pick up.  Each day we have improved on the process and I think it will be streamlined by the end of the week.  A couple of areas that you can help with:
  • When dropping off in the morning, if you could pull up all the way to the end of the sidewalk, this would help with getting more cars onto the property and off of Pine River Road.
  • If you need to get out of your vehicle to assist your child, please pull around to the front of the sidewalk and park your vehicle.  This will help to continue moving the car line and help with moving cars off of Pine River Road.
  • If possible, please have your child exit on the passenger side of your vehicle.
When picking up your child early, come to the front door, call the office (631-5121) and we will send your child out to you.  The app cannot be used for early pick ups.
I have attached two documents from PikMyKid.  The first document gives directions if you need help in downloading the app.  The second document explains how to schedule a pick up using the app.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Debra Bradford

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