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BCHS Announcements – 9/14/2020

September 14, 2020

Attention All Boys Athletes: There is a sign up sheet in the main office if you are interested in playing boys basketball this winter.

Hey all Student Council members! There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 7 am in the cafeteria. Mrs. DuBois and Mrs. Rinn will let us into the building. You will get your temps taken on your way in. Do not be late! We won’t be at the doors past 7 am and they will be locked. We have some important stuff to discuss, so be there!

There will be a Drama Club meeting this Thursday at 3:00. Anyone is welcome to join, but attendance is limited, so please email Mr. Shields to ensure your spot.

Hey Juniors and Seniors. A representative from the University of Michigan-Flint will be hosting a virtual visit on Tuesday, September 22 at 10:00 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please sign up in the counseling office.

Attention Freshmen – If you ordered a yearbook last year in Middle School, and didn’t get it during your lunch hour, they are available for pick up in the main office.

This Wednesday is Picture Day! Forms are available in the main office if you need one. Seniors – remember you also need your picture taken for your student ID. If you are off campus during the day – you’ll need to do that as soon as you get to school.

LUNCH TOMORROW: Bosco Sticks or Cold Sandwich, Salad, Fresh Vegetables & Fruit.


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