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BCHS Announcements – 9/16/2020

September 16, 2020

Attention!! Students who are dropped off in the morning, please have your driver drop you off on the EAST SIDE of the island! Do NOT use the bus lane.

Attention Lancers:  There will be an online College Block Party tonight & tomorrow.  Parents and high schoolers are invited to a virtual college knowledge student conference. Get full access to a two-day, LIVE chat and online college and financial aid workshops. College will be sharing key admissions, financial aid, and scholarship insights to support students through the college-going process. If you are interested in this event or would like more information grab a flyer in the counseling office or reach out to Mrs. Brown or Ms. Gross. There is a flyer for the event posted outside the main office.

There will be a Drama Club meeting tomorrow at 3:00. Anyone is welcome to join, but attendance is limited, so please email Mr. Shields to ensure your spot.

Hey Juniors and Senior: A representative from the University of Michigan-Flint will be hosting a virtual visit on Tuesday, September 22nd at 10:00 am. If you are interested in attending, please sign up in the counseling office.

Attention All Boys Athletes: There is a sign up sheet in the main office if you are interested in playing boys basketball this winter.

Attention Freshmen – If you ordered a yearbook last year in middle school, and didn’t get it during your lunch hour, they are available for pick up in the main office.

There are a limited number of 2020 yearbooks available for purchase in Mrs. Discher’s room, 5E. The cost is $65. These are first come, first serve, so if you want one, act fast!! Mrs. Discher will not hold copies.

Congratulations to Karlee Szafranski! She was chosen to represent the Class of 2021 as the D.A.R. Good Citizen. She was chosen by her classmates based on her excellent characteristics of leadership, patriotism, dependability, and service. She will represent Bullock Creek and move on to a scholarship competition.

LUNCH TOMORROW: Meatball Sub or Cold Sandwich, Salad Variety, Vegetables & Fruit.

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