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9-18-2020 Pine River Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
Picture Day for face to face students will be next Thursday, September 24.  All pictures will be taken in the morning on this date.  For our online students, pictures will be taken on October 8 from 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. in the gym – an email was sent from Mrs. Krueger regarding this information.  Picture forms from Photo Factory should be in your child’s backpack.  For your convenience, I have attached a form.  You can also place your order online and the directions are on the form.
If you need to pick up your child earlier than 3:20 p.m., please call the office or email your child’s teacher and Mrs. Krueger (kruegera@bcreek.org) with the information.  Once you arrive at school, please come to the front door and your child will be released to you.
When dropping off your child in the morning or picking up in the afternoon, please be sure to pull all the way to the end of the sidewalk.  This will help move vehicles off of Pine River Road and keep traffic from being congested.  If you need to assist your child, please pull to the front of the sidewalk and park.
For those of you who are participating in the following programs, I have listed the due dates and have attached the forms:
            Backpack Buddy due September 25
            Sharing Tree due October 1 (see attachment)
            King’s Daughters’ Christmas Closet due October 15 (see attachment)
Please mark your calendar – October 9 will be a ½ day of school for students.  Release time for Pine River Elementary students will be 12:05 p.m.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Debra Bradford

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