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10/12/2020 – Pine River Principal News (Spirit Sticks & Hearing/Vision)

October 11, 2020
Pine River Elementary Families,
The BCPR PTO has come up with a way for students/parents to order Spirit Sticks online.  Please see the attached flyer for this information.  (It can also  be found at the following site:  bcprpto.org/shop)
The following information is from the Midland County Health Department:
Due to Covid-19 and the additional safety precautions each school was required to put in place, the Midland County Health Department decided not to schedule hearing and vision screenings for schools at the beginning of the school year. Please note: we are providing hearing and vision screenings at the Health Department at this time.  If there are any concerns with a student’s hearing and/or vision, please encourage parent/caregiver to call the health department (989-832-6673) to schedule an appointment. We are hoping to schedule schools in the near future with additional safety precautions in place. Please share this information with your parents/caregivers.
I look forward to seeing everyone this week.
Debra Bradford

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