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BCHS Announcement – October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020

The answer to last week’s trivia question was Michigan State University.The first place winner is Kailee Parsons, 2nd place is Samantha Jammer, and 3rd place is Brooklynn Marshall. Ms. Gross will be visiting your class shortly to deliver prizes.

Are you finding yourself falling behind in a class or two? Do you need a place to make up a test you missed? Do you want a quiet place to work on homework? After School Intervention program will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:50 until 4:05 in Mrs. Sawicki’s room 11D. You do not need to sign up ahead of time, but you do need to be there by 2:50 and have a ride ready to pick you up by 4:05. See Mrs. Landon or Mrs. Sawicki for more information.

Seniors – Herff-Jones will be at BC on Thursday, October 22nd during lunches to take your order for graduation items and Class of 2021 swag. Please have your order ready to go. If you need a new packet, stop by the Counseling Office or the Main Office.

Sophomores interested in ordering a class ring or Class of 2023 jewelry, Herff-Jones will be at BC on Friday, October 23rd to take your orders.

Hey Juniors and Seniors – The last of the college visits are next week and we saved the best for last! Grand Valley will conduct a virtual visit on Tuesday, October 27th at 11:00 a.m. and the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor will visit on Wednesday, October 28th at 1:30 p.m. Sign up in the Counseling Office if you would like to meet with either of these reps.

Attention tennis players – The Sunday tennis sign-up sheets are in the gym. See Mr. Kalina if you have any questions. 

Hey Lancers, this week is our 2020 Homecoming week! That means Spirit Days!!!  Here they are:

Tomorrow is Jersey Day! Support your favorite team by sporting your favorite jersey or even team colors!

Wednesday is Wacky Tacky Wednesday! Go wild, Creek! The worse the outfit, the better!!

Thursday is Disney Day! Dress as your favorite princess, your favorite villain, or just your favorite Disney Character!

Friday is, of course, Black and Gold Day! You all MUST have some of that in your closet!!

Of course, all of your spirit wear must be school appropriate!  Let’s see some Lancer spirit, people!!

Attention Homecoming Court members – The next couple announcements are for you – so listen up! Please see Mrs. Rinn for information about the assembly on Wednesday. This has all the details that your guests need to know about attending the assembly. Also – there will be a mandatory court practice tomorrow right after school. Please meet in the auditorium.

LUNCH TOMORROW: TACO TUESDAY! 2 Taco’s & toppings or sandwich, salad, vegetables & fruit.

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