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BCHS Announcement – October 27, 2020

October 27, 2020

Attention Student Council – There will be a meeting tomorrow morning so please be on time! Doors will lock promptly at 7 am. 

Homecoming Court Members – If you want to keep your name poster, please take them down by tomorrow or they will be thrown out! 

Attention Sophomores and Juniors – Make sure to hand in your permission slip if you want to be able to leave after the PSAT test on Thursday. If you need another copy they are on the counter in the main office.

Attention athletes – If you are interested in playing a winter sport, sign-ups are on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk in the main office.

Attention softball players –  Please see Coach Borsenik ASAP to get raffle tickets to sell.

Attention tennis players – We are limiting the number of players for Sunday tennis to the first 8 boys and the first 8 girls who sign-up. There will also be a $5 charge – please see Mr. Kalina to sign-up or if you have any questions.

Attention Seniors – The deadline for the Martin Luther King scholarship is Oct. 31st. The requirements are that you must be a high school senior, you must have a 2.0 minimum GPA, and you must have plans to attend a college, university, or vocational program. Scholarships are $1,000 and flyers are in the counseling office. If you have questions please contact Ms. Gross.

Attention Lancers – This week we want to celebrate the end of October! Tomorrow is Class Color Day!

Freshmen wear GREEN

Sophomores wear PURPLE

Juniors wear ORANGE

Seniors wear BLACK

& Staff wear RED

We’re going to SKIP Thursday due to PSAT testing. On Friday we will continue the fun by wearing costumes. Remember they need to be school appropriate, no fake weapons or costume masks.

Attention Hero members – We will have a meeting Friday after school. Hope to see you there!

LUNCH TOMORROW: Bosco sticks w/marinara sauce or sandwich, salad, vegetable and fruit.

Listen up Bullock Creek students – This is the final trivia question!! Be the first to raise your hand and answer correctly and you’ll be entered in the raffle!! 

What 4-year Michigan university did famous actor Tim Allen (the voice of Buzz Lightyear) attend before transferring to Western Michigan University in 1974?

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