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Dec. 4, 2020 – Pine River News: Remote Learning Plan

Pine River Elementary Families,
We are looking forward to seeing students back in school this Wednesday, December 9.  I have attached Superintendent Hale’s communication to parents from Thursday, December 3 which has further details regarding our return to school.
Families that signed up for Sharing Tree through Bullock Creek Schools can pick up their gifts at Floyd Church of God on Wednesday, December 16, between 1:00 – 7:00 p.m.  You will be notified by phone when your gifts are in and if they are available for pick up on the 16th.  This will be a ‘drive up’ service.  If you have questions, please contact Kristie Clark, clarkk@bcreek.org
Please remember Christmas break is scheduled for December 23rd through January 3rd, 2021.  Students will return to virtual learning January 4th -8th, with in person on January 11, 2021.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Debra Bradford

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