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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,

A couple of important reminders for the week as we continue our remote learning situation…

  1. BCMS Remote learning expectations
  • Follow the BCMS class schedule

1st hour 7:40 – 8:10

2nd hour 8:20 – 8:50

3rd hour 9:00 – 9:30

4th hour 9:40 – 10:10

5th hour 10:20 – 10:50

6th hour 11:00 – 11:30

  • Be an active participant in live lessons
  • Follow the established classroom norms (teachers may require students to participate with their camera on)
  • Be prepared to learn – sitting at a desk or table, be ‘camera ready’, have supplies close at hand, participate when called on
  • Complete the attendance question for each class by 2:30pm
  • Complete and submit any required class work
  • Your participation and effort matter;  students are continuing to earn grades during this time period of remote instruction
  1. Holiday break- December 23-January 3.  BCMS student will learn remotely from January 4th-January 8th with our current plan to have face-to-face students back in classrooms on January 11th.
  1. Families that signed up for Sharing Tree through Bullock Creek Schools can pick up their gifts at Floyd Church of God on Wednesday, December 16 between 1-7pm.  This will be a drive up service.  You will be notified by phone when your gifts are in and if they are available for pickup on the 16th.
  1. If students have a doctor appointment or other conflict which would require them to be excused from class, please call the office and let us know (631-9260).

Have a wonderful week!

Curt Moses

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