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BCHS Announcement – February 8, 2021


February 8, 2021

Hey Lancers!  Valentine’s Day is coming up so we’re going to do some spirit days this week in honor of that…and WINTER!!

Tuesday is show your love for COMFY CLOTHES day!  Dress as you would to stay comfy and warm!

Wednesday is show your love for WARMTH day!  Think wool sweaters, layers and thick socks!

Thursday is show your love for SCHOOL day!  Yup…think black and gold people!

It’s going to be a cold one, Lancers!  Be sure to bundle up this week, but remember to leave your blankets at home!

The Drama Club will be performing a Monologue and Short Scene Showcase. Those wanting to be onstage should plan to attend our first rehearsal today from 3:00 to 4:30. If you want to help behind the scenes on crew, talk to Mr. Shields before school or Mr. Tisdale during the day. If you have any questions or are unable to attend and still want to participate, please email or talk to Mr. Shields before school in room 2D.

Would you like to surprise your friends or loved one with a nice present for Valentine’s day? The sophomore class will be taking orders for Valentine Day carnations. You can buy a single flower for $2.00 or 3 flowers for $5.00. Don’t miss out on the chance and bring your money to lunch tomorrow and Wednesday to make sure you get one!

Students wishing to dual enroll, take a CTE class, or be considered for Journalism, please listen to this important announcement about scheduling. If you are wishing to dual enroll, you will need to pick up a packet from the Counseling Center, even if you are currently taking college classes. If you wish to take Woodworking, Educational Careers, or Construction Trades, even if you are taking one of these classes currently, you need to complete a new application.This is the same for any off-campus CTE program such as Auto Tech, Culinary Arts, and GMCA; you must pick up and complete a new application. Journalism also requires an application. If you are unable to stop by the Counseling Center, the applications are available on the BC website. All applications are due by Thursday, February 11th.

Hey seniors! Check out the senior portraits posted outside Mrs. Discher’s room, 5E. If your portrait is missing or there is a problem with how it appears, let Mrs. Discher know ASAP. This is how the portraits will print in the 2021 yearbook.

Seniors don’t forget the deadline for FAFSA is approaching soon. You need to have this done by March 1st which is only 3 weeks away. If you need help please come see Ms. Gross or send her an email. Remember it is FAFSA February so Filling the FAFSA and Filling out Ms. Gross’ FAFSA Survey will enter you into a drawing each week to win an Amazon Gift Card.

Attention Seniors – If you have applied to Delta and plan on attending next fall please listen up. There will be a representative from Delta here on March 2nd so you can take the Accuplacer Test. This test is used by Delta to place you in appropriate classes. If you scored below a 480 on the English portion of the SAT or below a 500 on the Math portion you are required to take this test before registering for classes. To sign up visit Mrs. Brown or Ms. Gross and know your Delta I.D.

On Saturday, the boys and girls varsity bowling teams bowled against Valley Lutheran. The Creek boys won 25-5 and the Creek girls won 24-6. 

LUNCH TOMORROW – Meatball sub, mozzarella cheese & sauce, vegetables & fruit.

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