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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Below are a few important items you should know…
1.  A message from our BCMS Peer to Peer group . . . . Everyone feels stress at times.  Stress over grades, homework, friendships, dating relationships, families, and keeping up with everything going on in our lives.  When we are stressed, our bodies wear down.  So, on Wednesday, Feb. 17th, we encourage every student and staff to wear yellow to “caution” us to take care of ourselves when we are feeling stressed.  We can try a stress reliever like deep breathing, exercising, going to bed sooner, doing something fun or talking to an adult like a parent, teacher, coach, or counselor.  Let’s all take care of ourselves.  #WHYYOUMATTER
2.  NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 12th
3. Conference links for our upcoming parent/teacher conferences will be sent out tomorrow.
4.  If all of our conference slots are full and you’re still needing to speak to a teacher, please send them an email and request an opportunity to have a conversation about your child.
Have wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses

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