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March 12, 2021 – Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
The warm weather this week has been a welcome relief!  There are a lot of activities going on between now and the last day of school (Thursday, March 26) before Spring Break.
The PTO is hosting the Scholastic Book Fair next week.  Information from the PTO has been sent home.  I have also attached a flyer ~ be sure you look over the information as the Book Fair will be handled differently than it has in the past.        Book Fair Flyer-Principals (1)
Don’t forget about the PTO sponsored Bookmark Contest.  The bookmark must be received no later than March 19 ~ no late entries will be included in the judging.
Attached is the Bullock Creek Little League information.  If your child is interested in participating this spring in softball or baseball, be sure to look at the attached flyer.      BCLL Evaluation Day 2021 (1)
Interested in purchasing some new Bullock Creek Spirit Wear?  Bullock Creek High School has an online story opened now until Sunday, March 21st.      BullockCreekFlyer           Take a look at the attached flyer or go on line at:
Your child’s report card is coming home today…please look for the card in their materials.
Next week’s hot lunch menu is attached.      March15lunchmenu
Earlier this month I had attached this flyer from Chippewa Nature Center, but since there are still a few activities to participate in for the month, the flyer is attached again.      CNC FREE Events March 2021
Please put the following dates on your calendar:
Friday, March 26       No school – Spring Break Begins
Tuesday, April 6        School resumes from Spring Break
Week of April 12       Fifth Grade M-Step begins ~ more information from your child’s teacher will be forthcoming
Week of April 26       Third and Fourth Grade M-Step begins ~ more information from your child’s teacher will be forthcoming
Friday, May 27          No school
Monday, May 31       No school ~ Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 9   Last day of school
Have a wonderful weekend!
Debra Bradford

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