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BCHS Announcement – April 8, 2021


April 8, 2021

Seniors – Check out the updated list of scholarship opportunities on the Class of 2021 Google Classroom, the bulletin boards in D-Wing and the Lancer Lounge, or on the BC website.

Attention any Senior interested in creating the Senior Shield for the Class of ’21 – Create a rough draft of your design and turn it in to Mrs. Murray or Mrs. Rinn in room 2D. All designs are due by April 22nd. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Rinn.

Hey Singing Seniors – If you would like to sing at graduation, here is your chance! Sign up by May 3rd in the Counseling Office with Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Rinn. Auditions are May 5th at 3:00 in the auditorium. On the day of the performance you must be on time, have your music (instrumental music only) and be ready to sing.

Listen up Lancers! If you left items in your gym locker over Spring Break – they are in the hallway outside the Auxiliary Gym. If you do NOT claim your things by today after school, they will be tossed or donated!

LUNCH TOMORROW – Pizza with your favorite toppings, vegetable & fruit.

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