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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
1.  MSTEP & PSAT Testing is near…Parents of 8th grade students please see message below.
Attention 8th grade students and parents:
**Next week begins our administration of the Spring Standardized Assessments of our 8th grade students. 
PSAT April 13th (In school and Online Students)
M-STEP (Science and Social Studies) April 20th and 21st (In school Students only)
April 21st (Online Students)
Please remind your student the importance of doing their best of these assessments.  We encourage you to have conversations with your student about putting their best effort into all assessments.  We also encourage you to make sure your student is present and on time on assessment days, has a good night sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and comes prepared to school to do their best.  We appreciate your cooperation.
Below is some information for families regarding the upcoming assessments.  Further information can be found at the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) website. 
Other important testing Information https://www.michigan.gov/mde/
2.  See attached flyer for Chippewa Nature Center offerings…
3.  BCMS Spring sport athletes – see attached letter regarding Covid-19 testing processes.
4.  Dress Code reminders…as we approach warmer weather the middle school wardrobe choices change with the temperatures.  Please remember that the dress code requires shorts to be no shorter than your fingertips.  No tank tops.  No holes, tears or rips in jeans higher than fingertip length.
5.  Reports cards will be sent home for marking period #3 on Monday.
Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses

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