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Remote Learning 4/13-4/23 for 6th-12th grade

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April 9, 2021

Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Staff:

I am writing to inform you that following today’s recommendation from the Governor, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Midland County Health Department, Bullock Creek School District will be moving to remote instruction for all 6th-12thgrade students beginning on Tuesday, April 13th through Friday, April 23rd. K-5th grade students will remain face-to-face. Spring athletics will pause beginning Monday, April 12thand can resume no earlier than Monday, April 26th. It is our plan to have all students return to Face-to-Face instruction on April 26th and sports may resume at that time as well.

We plan to have all students attend school on Monday, April 12th, which will allow our 6th-12thgrade teachers to provide students with necessary items to plan for their two weeks of remote learning. We have taken these precautionary measures to limit exposure and follow our Board approved Return to Learning Roadmap, which very clearly indicates we will work closely with our local health department on closure decisions. Choosing to not follow the strong recommendation of MDHHS and our local health department places an extreme amount of liability on local school districts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your building principal or myself.


Shawn J. Hale


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