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4/12/21 – Pine River Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
Our fifth grade students will begin the state required M-Step assessment this week.  Teachers will begin with the Science assessment on Tuesday and Social Studies on Wednesday.   If your child is absent, a make up time will be available upon his/her return to school.
We would like to thank the BCPR/PTO for replacing the fence at the front of the building.  The new fence is beautiful and is much more secure than the previous fence.  Thank you, PTO, for all of the work you do to help our schools!
Just a reminder – students will have a ½ day of school on Friday, April 23.  Students will be dismissed for bus transportation at 12:05 p.m.  Students who will be picked up by a parent (or other designee) can begin announcing at 11:45 a.m.  If your child’s method of pick up will be different on this day, please be sure to go into PikMyKid and make the necessary changes.
Attached you will find this week’s lunch menu.
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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