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BCHS Announcement – April 26, 2021


April 26, 2021

Reminder to students signed up for drivers education classes with King of the Road Driving School – classes will begin today! Segment 1 class will be from 3:00 – 5:00 and Segment 2 class will be from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Students should meet in the Distance Learning Room.

Attention freshmen and sophomores – Please check the window outside the counseling office by tomorrow morning for your testing location. Remember you will report to THAT room, not your first hour. If you have any questions, ask someone in the counseling office or main office for help.

If you have NOT dropped off your permission slip to leave early tomorrow after testing, please do so 

Attention SENIORS! This is a last call for photos for the senior video. We need photos of you and your friends during your elementary, middle school, and high school years. You can email these to Mrs. Discher at discherr@bcreek.org. If you have hard copies of your photos you can leave them in the main office. These will be scanned and returned to you.

Listen up Creekers! Your fellow classmates have made it to the top 50 for the Van’s Custom Culture Contest! Please vote once per day until May 7th. Log onto Van’s Custom Culture to vote! We can win up to $50,000!!

LUNCH TOMORROW – Teriyaki beef & broccoli, orange chicken or teriyaki chicken, brown rice, asian vegetables and fruit.

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