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BCMS Announcements – April 29, 2021

  • Friday is Bus Driver Appreciation Day!  Student council will be giving the BCMS bus drivers a bag of goodies to thank them for all they do for our district.  Student Council would really like it if you helped them spread some kindness and brighten your bus driver’s day by giving them an extra special Thank You this Friday. 
  • Spirit Days!  Students, there’s only a few more weeks to collect spirit points for your grade!  Which grade will be able to claim the prize of “Most Spirited at BCMS?”  Student council has a good line-up of spirit days to finish out the year.  Check the Take Note Board for more information, but here are a couple of spirit days that are coming up soon: Friday is HAT DAY, so make sure you wear a hat to help your class gain more spirit points.

    Tuesday, May 4thMAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU – Star Wars day!  You can dress like your favorite Star Wars character, or wear a Star Wars shirt.

    Just USE THE FORCE and earn those spirit points!


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