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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Just a few quick notes to share…
1.  Please see Mrs. Fermoyle’s email for a reminder on the state testing schedule.  She has some additional details in her email.  The basic schedule is as follows.
Just a reminder regarding the upcoming testing schedule for students in grades 6th – 8th. The testing schedule is as follows:
Face to Face Students
8th grade                 PSAT                              April 29th       8:00 – 11:00
                                M-STEP (Science)         May 4th and 5th  (In the science classroom)
                                M-STEP (Soc. Stud.)     May 11th   (In the history classroom)
6th & 7th grade       M-STEP (ELA)               May 12th   7:40 – 11:00
                                M-STEP (Math)              May 13th   7:40 – 11:00
Online Students
8th grade                PSAT                               April 29th          8:00 – 11:00 a.m.       
                               M-STEP (Sci. & SS)        May 11th           8:00 – 10:45 a.m.
6th & 7th grade      M-STEP (ELA)                 May 12th          7:40 – 11:00 a..m.
                               M-STEP (Math)                May 13th          7:40 – 11:00 a.m.
2.  See attachments from the Chippewa Nature Center.
3.  Teacher Appreciation Week – May 3rd through May 7th.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses

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