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BCHS Announcement – May 4, 2021


May 4, 2021

Listen up Lancers – Tomorrow right after school are tryouts to sing at graduation. You MUST let Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Rinn know by the end of the school day today if you are interested. Be ready to sing and music with NO lyrics.

Are you interested in having a say in your school or have cool new ideas? Then it’s time for you to step up and become part of the Student Council. Pick up an election packet in the main office, 8B or 2D. Once your packet is completed, return to Mrs.Dubois or Mrs. Rinn by Thursday, May 13th.

Have you noticed changes in your friends such as; withdrawing from social activities, self-harm, extreme risk-taking behaviors, severe mood swings, changes in sleep behavior, or personality? Those could all be signs that something is wrong. Text 741-741 or talk to a trusted adult for help, or call 911 if you believe it is an emergency. Tomorrow’s spirit day is NEON so let’s look to brighter days ahead!

LUNCH TOMORROW – Cinco de Mayo! Nachos with beef or chicken, cheese and vegetable toppings, fruit & churro!

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