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BCHS Announcement – May 6, 2021


May 6, 2021

Congratulations to Sophie Hahn, Austin West, and Zoe Ker on being the entertainment at this year’s graduation ceremony! 

Seniors – Tomorrow we will be celebrating Decision Day during lunches. Please check your BC email for all of the details.

Are you interested in having a say in your school or have cool new ideas? Then it is time for you to step up and become part of the Student Council. Pick up an election packet in the main office, 8B or 2D. Once your packet is completed, return to Mrs. Dubois or Mrs. Rinn by Thursday, May 13th.

Doing things you love, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all great ways to support your mental health. However, seeking professional help when self-help efforts to improve your mental health aren’t working is a sign of strength, not weakness. Text 7410741 or start the conversation with a trusted adult today. Tomorrow is decision day, so wear your College or Career gear as we look to the future and set our eyes on our goals. 

LUNCH TOMORROW – Variety of homemade pizza, vegetable & fruit.

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