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BCMS Announcements – May 17, 2021

Attention 8th Grade Students!

  • Any 8th-grade students interested in being a member of Student Council NEXT YEAR as a Freshman, please see Mrs. Brege.  The elections for high school student council need to take place before the end of this year so that new members can be contacted about events that take place over the summer.

Middle School Library!

  • All books must be returned to the library by May 27th. There will be posters around the school reminding you of the date as the library will need their books back.

Spirit Day!

  • Your BCMS Student Council has chosen this Friday to be SPORTS DAY!  Wear something to show off your favorite sport, or to support your favorite sport’s team and receive spirit points for your class.  We only have a few more days left to rack up those points this year!

No School!

  • Friday, May 28th
  • Monday, May 31st

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