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BCHS Announcements – May 24, 2021


May 24, 2021

Attention students – ALL library books are due this Thursday.  Please get your books returned and lost book fines paid as soon as possible.

Attention Seniors – Get your lunch, library, and book fines paid by Friday.  If these are not paid, you will NOT receive your cap and gown.

Flowers were recently planted in front of the Main Office.  The purple and orange flowers represent anti-violence.  These are a reminder to think before you act and that things you say have a permanent impact, positive or negative.  Consider this quote, “Don’t make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.”  Remember that you have more choices than you think you have.  Keep seeking the next option.

This week is the Class of 2021’s, last week of high school. Let’s show them some BCHS spirit with a spirit week!

Tomorrow – Favorite Shoes Day… Good Luck as you begin your next journey in life

Wednesday – College, Career, or Military Day… Show us where you are headed after BCHS

Thursday – Black and Gold Day… Always remember it is A Great Day to be a LANCER!

LUNCH TOMORROW – Regular or spicy chicken patty, vegetable & fruit.

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