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Principal News Pine River 1/31/12

Pine River Parents,

Just a reminder that last Friday did mark the middle of this second trimester.  Your child’s teacher has communicated to you to check SchoolView to see the current grades.  Please check this site frequently.  If you are not able to access it, please contact Mrs. Krueger, 631-5121, and she will be able to assist you.

Another reminder – if you are dropping your child off once the school day has begun (8:55 a.m.), you do need to come into the office and sign in your child.  Also, if during the day you need to bring an item to school for your child, you must first stop in the office.

One more reminder – if you are dropping off or picking up your child, please be respectful of the bus loading zone during these times.  Please do not pass the busses as we have students that are transferring from one bus to another or are loading the busses.  All parents should use the BLUE LINES that are on the parking lot and stay to the WEST of the handicap parking area.  I know that it is difficult to see the blue lines during the winter months so if you need further clarification, please ask one of the staff members who are available.  Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe.

I have attached various pieces of information to this email.
*Tonight’s BB game – this information is from Todd Gorsuch, BCHS principal regarding tonight’s girls’ basketball game.
*Luck o’ the Lancers – this information is from the Bullock Creek Sports Boosters regarding the opportunity to participate in a fun filled night in March!
*Maturation Information – this information comes from the MidMichigan Health newsletter.  Maturation programs are offered for both boys and girls through the hospital.  We do offer a program, presented by Sandy LaPrad, School Nurse, to the girls in the spring.  However, a program for the boys is not available at the elementary level.
*SEBTC School Newsletter Insert – please look over this information regarding the opportunity to receive groceries during the summer months.

Enjoy this beautiful winter day!

Debra Bradford, Principal
Pine River Elementary
1894 E. Pine River Road
Midland, MI 48640
989-832-4017 (fax)

Tonight’s BB game


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