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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families,
We’ve had a great first week here at the high school.  Students have been busy with classes, athletics, band and a variety of other activities.  Please take a moment and read through the reminders below…
1.  Please remember that students should stay home from school if they are not feeling well, are displaying symptoms commonly associated with COVID, or have recently received a positive COVID test.  Should you have any questions about, please call the office.
2.  Drop off/pick up – the lane directly in front of the building is the bus lane – please use the parking lot side of the island (in front of the main office) to drop/pick up students.
3.  Good luck next week to all of our student athletes! Reminder:  Varsity football game at home tonight @7pm. (Fowlerville)
4.  Parking pass – if your student is driving to school they will need to purchase a parking pass.  Passes are available in the office for $15.  Passes are REQUIRED beginning on Monday.
5.  Students who are vaccinated, and would like to provide proof of vaccination, should leave a copy of their card with the main office.
Have a wonderful week!
Curt Moses


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