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9/2/21 – Pine River Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
We have had a great week at Pine River Elementary.  Students have been busy getting to know their teachers and getting back into the swing of school.
Below is a link to register for the Sharing Tree program in Midland County.  This program provides a gift to individuals that meet the income eligibility requirements and live in Midland County.  If you and/or your family would like to be a recipient of a Sharing Tree gift this holiday season, please complete the attached link for each person requesting a gift. A paper copy of the form will be sent on Tuesday, September 7.  If you choose to fill out a paper copy, please return all forms together as a family packet to one school building in Bullock Creek.  The deadline to request gifts is October 1. Gift pick up will be sometime mid-December at the Floyd Church of God.  Link to Sharing Tree registration: https://forms.gle/Mz8HUd5CKEWd6UE89
In the near future, information on the Kings/Daughters Community Christmas Closet which provides clothing to school age children in Midland County will be provided.
Please remember that students should stay home from school if they are not feeling well, are displaying symptoms commonly associated with COVID, or have recently received a positive COVID test.  Should you have any questions about this, please call the office. 
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and we will see the students back on Tuesday, September 7.
Debra Bradford

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