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Floyd News and Notes


Floyd Families-

 We’ve wrapped up another week of learning new routines and getting to know the students and adults we spend so much of our days with. Here are a few things to share with you:

  • Student pick up is looking wonderful! Thank you for your assistance. Please share with family and friends who may pick up your child that staying in line long enough to identify who they are picking up is how teachers know to send a student out. Then they may choose whether to stay in line or park and walk up. The adult at the doors is checking students OUT, not alerting of your arrival. 
  • Please call in any absences to the main office. Students with fevers or vomiting are welcome back after 24 hours of being fever or vomit free without medication. We encourage students with unexplained headaches, sore throats, coughs, etc. to stay home a day to watch for developing symptoms. We respect your judgement and appreciate the call to verify the absence. 

Thank you for helping us kick off another great school year!

Have a wonderful week!  -Mrs. Moses

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