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BCHS Announcements – September 16, 2021


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Congratulations to Lauryn Wishowski! Lauryn was first nominated by the BCHS Staff and then selected by the seniors as Bullock Creek’s Class of 2022 DAR Good Citizen. Lauryn was chosen based on her outstanding qualities of leadership, patriotism, service, and dependability. She will now move on to a regional scholarship competition.

Looking to help show off some class spirit and help your grade win the spirit banner? This Saturday from 10 am  – noon, we invite each grade to come help decorate your hallway with your class’ theme. Freshman are space crafts, Sophomores are aliens, Juniors are stars and Seniors are planets. Come on Saturday and help your grade win!

Are you interested in building and designing robots? Are you a good artist, writer, or speech giver? Then Robotics would like to extend an invitation for you to join us on September 20th after school! If you are interested in joining them, meet at 7B in Ms. Doud’s room. Meetings will be every Monday after school from 3 to 5 pm. If you cannot make it to the meeting, just sign up with Ms. Doud. We don’t just build robots, We help shape your future.

Tickets for the Homecoming Dance are going to be available for purchase during all three lunches, starting tomorrow, Friday, September 17th. The last day will be next Thursday, September 23rd (no tickets will be sold after 3rd lunch that day).  The cost is $12 for one ticket, or two tickets for $20. Be sure to bring your guest form with you when you’re buying your tickets if you’re bringing a date from another school. Payments must be either cash or check made out to ‘Bullock Creek High School.’

Get ready Lancers – Homecoming is next week and you know what that means, SPIRIT DAYS!  

This year our theme is SPACE!

So – Get ready to blast out of bed on Monday for PJ day. 

Then – Shine like the star you are on Tuesday for neon day. 

Be prepared to take flight with all your might on Wednesday for Aliens vs. Astronauts. Underclassmen are Aliens and upperclassmen are Astronauts.

Are you  ready to make your way home? Get aboard with NASA on Thursday by wearing red, white, blue,  or your favorite NASA gear. 

Finally we have landed  back in Lancer Country! Friday is black & gold day!!. 

Let’s make this year’s Homecoming OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming Court:

Freshmen Reps are Jenna Nelson and Matthew Griese

Sophomore Reps are Daisy Schwartz and Logan Korson

Junior Reps are Erin Harnick and Kaden Forshee

Senior Reps are Hillary Anderson, Alana Chadwick, Ella Gaffke, Hannah Glasgow, Lauryn Wishowski, Peyton Brooks, Carter Campau, Boyd Chambers, Parker Grzegorczyk, and Brady Tucker.

All reps please come to Mrs. Rinn’s room 2D after announcements to get some important information.  

Lunch tomorrow – Pizza variety, romaine salad, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes & fruit.


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