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BCHS Announcements – September 23, 2021


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Attention Homecoming court members! Today after school we are holding a mandatory walk through in preparation for halftime. Please meet in the Art room. 

Seniors, tomorrow is the last day to order Class of 2022 t-shirts and hoodies.

Remember, Central Michigan University is hosting ‘CMU and You Day’this Saturday, September 25th. Students of any grade can attend this FREE event. You will get to tour CMU’s campus, interact with their staff and students, and explore the programs they offer. This also includes a free lunch and tickets to the football game against Florida International University. For more information or to register for this event, check out one of the flyers posted in the counseling center, D-Wing, or the main office.

Hey Juniors and Seniors – listen up.  Next week we will have representatives from four colleges visiting.  SVSU will be here on Monday, September 27th at 10:15, Delta will be here on Tuesday, September 28th at 12:45, U of M – Flint will be here on Wednesday, September 29th at 12:45, and CMU will be here on Thursday, September 30th at 1:30 pm.  If you would like to meet with any of these reps, please sign up in the Counseling Office.

Hey Lancers!  Are you finding yourself falling behind in your homework or maybe you need to make up quizzes and tests?  After School Intervention will begin next week to help get you back on track.  We will meet in Mrs. Sawicki’s room (11D) on TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS from 2:50 – 4:05. 

Tomorrow is the last day to celebrate Homecoming! Wear your favorite BLACK & GOLD to show your Lancer Pride!!

Remember – if you are interested in having a salad for lunch, you need to fill out an order form first thing in the morning! Forms are located on the white board in the cafeteria.

Lunch tomorrow – Pizza variety, romaine salad, carrots, cucumbers, tomato & fruit.

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