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BCMS Announcements – October 19, 2021

  • Hat Day this Friday for $1 — all proceeds go to the Food Drive & Holiday Baskets.
  • Students expressing interest in joining Student Council will find sign-up sheets on the windows outside of the library tomorrow. Please remember that you can only sign up for one committee and do not cross off anyone else’s name. If you are interested in signing up, please make sure that you are willing to do the work that comes with Student Council responsibilities. Once the committees are full, they are full. 
  • The Food Drive so far has been a fantastic success! Mrs. Brandt’s AC has a strong lead with almost 600 items, Mr. Danna’s AC is in second place with almost 200 items… no strong 3rd place contenders… YET! Come on AC classes! The more items we donate, the more families we can help this holiday season. 
  • Speaking of the Food Drive… while you are rummaging through cupboards or out shopping, think Thanksgiving! We are in need of items such as cream of mushroom soup, stuffing mix, gravy, and broth. Our pantry is OVERFLOWING with green beans and corn. So, when picking out items please keep that in mind! 
  • Sports!  Students must have a physical on file in the office before they can try out for any sport.

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