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Today at BCMS

Yearbook Order Forms are in the office.

2H today in Mr. Laughner’s Rm #309 (No 2H on Thursday due to the dance)

Volleyball Practice Schedule this week-

Wednesday  – 2:30 – 8th Grade Schumaker Team

 And 4-6PM – 6th Grade Practice

Thursday  – 4:30-6PM –  7th Grade Teams. Dopp/Waldie

Girls 6th and 7th Grade Softball Sign Up Sheets are in the office.

Spirit Day Awesome Sock Day, Wednesday, Feb.22.

Dance will be on tomorrow 2:30-4PM.

WESTOWN SOFTBALL Registration information for Girls or Boys Softball in the office.

Lunch tomorrow: Turkey Bacon Wraps or Dippers, peas, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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