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Tuesday, 14 members of The Bullock Creek Football Team competed at the annual football combine at Midland High School.  Of the 8 weight classes at the combine, Bullock Creek took first in 4.  Those competitors winning their weight classes were Keenan Wade, Tyler Chapin, Grant Piering and James Henderson.  Special recognition goes out to James for
earning the most points over all of the competitors in the entire combine!  Great job to all of the Creek competitors!  Your coaches are very proud of you! 

All sports locks MUST be turned in to Mrs. Copus by Thursday, March 8th.  This includes volleyball, boys basketball and wrestling.  You will be called to the office Monday morning, March 12th, if your lock is not returned by Thursday.

Reminder to all Girls BB players – Your banquet is tomorrow evening at 6:30 in the cafeteria. If you have any questions see Mr. Freeland.  

Juniors:  Dow Chemical is excepting on-line applications for students interested in Co-oping next year.  Time is critical! Information is available in the Career Center.  See Mrs. Flaminio if you have any questions.



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