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Principal News Middle School 3/19/12

Good Morning,

End of the nine week term is March 23rd.  Grade reports will be sent home with students on March 30th.  MEAP reports will be attached to the report card.  Please look over the MEAP results with your child.  Remember that the state has changed the cut score for a student to be considered proficient.  Prior to this year, students only needed to answer approximately 40% of the questions correct to be considered proficient.  Starting with the fall 2011 MEAP, students must now answer approximately 65% of the questions correct on the MEAP to be considered proficient.

The last two home volleyball games are March 19th and March 21st.  8th grade will play on the 19th and 6th grade will play on the 21st. Games begin at 6:00pm.

Please continue to remind your kids to wear clothing that fit within the guidelines of our board adopted dress code policy.  Students have been very mindful of this policy and have done a great job of following it.  Thank you to all the parent support with this.

The last day of school before spring break begins is March 30th.  All classes will meet in the morning on the 30th with a shortened class schedule.  Each class will continue cover curriculum as classes meet.   After lunch, students will attend an assembly from 12:15-2:25.

Have a wonderful Monday!

Mr. Hale

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