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Bullock Creek Robotics Team Update 3/21/12

The Bullock Creek Robotics Team is off to an excellent start this competition season.  We placed 16 out of the 40 teams in Waterford a couple of weekends ago and are looking forward to our Northville competition this weekend.  The team has more than doubled in size this year and has accomplished so much more.

In the six weeks alloted for building of our robot, the team has built a machine that picks up basketballs from the floor can shoot and make baskets, can push a ramp down, balance on a teeter-totter and can cross a barrier Dukes of Hazzard style.

Being on the robotics team is much more than building a robot to do a specific task, it’s about problem solving, learning to work with peers and adults, learning to communicate effectively, and coming soon, our latest component – community service.

There will be a live-feed available Friday (roughly 11:00-1:00 and 2:00-6:00). and Saturday (10:00 – 4:00) to watch the matches online at www.coderedrobotics.com (Northville).  We will play in at least 12 matches over the course of the two days. We are Team 3770, sometimes red, sometimes blue.

For more information, please contact Susan Doud

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