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Students must turn in class schedule request for next year by this Friday to the Career Center.  Really?  Do you want Mr. Gorsuch or Mr. Tomko to pick out your classes?
Get your request sheets in, pronto!

Seniors planning to attend Delta in the fall please sign up in the Career Center to meet with a Representative from Delta College.  There are two times on Tuesday, March 27 to choose from 10:00 and 12:30.  This meeting will help you prepare for registering for classes.

Students planning to take an AP Exam, please remember that the deadline to register is next Wednesday, March 28.

Have you paid all your lunch charges?   Please do it  before break!

If white water rafting, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking and enjoying the outdoors sounds like fun to you check out Venturing Crew 7772.  Meetings are Tuesday nights from 7 to 8:30pm at Poseyville United Methodist Church.  There’s a special meet and greet on Tuesday the 27th of March.  Bring a friend and have some fun.

The Midland Rotary Club is sponsoring  Spring Break Live Friday, March 30 at the Midland Resort from 8pm to midnight for high school students only!   
Great stuff is planned for just $5!

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