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Have you paid your lunch charges?  Please do so before spring break!

Attention all BCHS students–your chance to purchase a 2011-2012 yearbook is about to slip by–get your orders in for your yearbook by April 15. The cost is $60 and orders can be submitted to Mrs. Discher–room 5E.

Attention Seniors!  You are running out of time to submit your senior picture for the 2011-2012 yearbook. If we do not receive a senior picture from you by Friday, April 13 (the Friday after spring break) we will use your school photo.

The yearbook staff is also in need of pictures for the SENIOR SLIDE SHOW!!! If you and your friends want to be featured in the slide show, you MUST get your pictures in. You can submit them by email to Mrs. Discher, or you can turn in any photos to yearbook staff members or Mrs. Discher by April 13. Don’t miss out on this chance to be in the slide show on graduation night!!!
All gym lockers must be emptied by Friday.  Also, all garbage must be removed from your hall locker!  Items found in lockers over spring break will be thrown away!!

The 6th hour General Business class (Creekers R Us) are selling THE CREEK tie-dyed T-shirts during lunch for $14.  See the Lancer Link for more information.

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