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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Shelterhouse has prepared daily announcements for our school.  April is a time for people to come together to honor the courage and strength of sexual assault survivors and to dedicate themselves to eliminating sexual assault completely.  Sexual assault tends to be a hidden issue, but it can happen to anyone.  Be listening in the days ahead for ways you can support your friends and help this important cause. 

Health Care Tech students interested in Co-oping should pick up important information in the Career Center today!

Students–get your orders in for your yearbook by April 15. The cost is $60 and orders can be submitted to Mrs. Discher–room 5E.

Attention Seniors!  The yearbook staff must receive your senior picture by this Friday, April 13!

The SENIOR SLIDE SHOW need your pictures! You can submit them by email to Mrs. Discher, or turn in photos to yearbook staff members or Mrs. Discher by April 13.

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