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Co-op’s:  Time sheets are due this Friday!

Health Care Tech students interested in Co-oping should pick up important information in the Career Center today!

The Lancer Shield yearbook staff will be selling the 2011-2012 yearbook during both lunches for the next two weeks. The deadline is approaching, and for the cost of $60 you can take home a yearbook full of memories!

Prom is Saturday, April 28 at The H Hotel in downtown Midland.  Pictures are at 6:30pm and dinner will be at 7:30.  Tickets will be sold April 20, 23 and 24 and are $60 per couple, $30 for singles and include dinner.  Horse & buggy rides will be available for an extra $5 per person.  See Mrs. Sweebe or Mrs. Moody if you have questions in room 6A.

Tomorrow is Denim Day.  The first Denim Day happened after the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore jeans. The justices stated that the victim must have helped her attacker remove her jeans, from which they implied that she consented.  Enraged by the verdict, the women in the Italian Parliament launched into action and protested by wearing jeans on the steps of the Supreme Court.  This call to action has become an international symbol of protest against wrong and destructive attitudes about sexual assault.  All students are invited to wear denim tomorrow to raise awareness and support survivors.  Look for the table by the cafeteria where information and teal ribbons will be distributed.

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