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Co-op’s:  Your time sheet is due TODAY!

The Lancer Shield yearbook staff will be selling the 2011-2012 yearbook during both lunches for the next two weeks. The deadline is approaching, and for the cost of $60 you can take home a yearbook full of memories!

Prom is Saturday, April 28 at The H Hotel in downtown Midland.  Pictures are at 6:30pm and dinner will be at 7:30.  Tickets will be sold April 20, 23 and 24 and are $60 per couple, $30 for singles and include dinner.  Horse & buggy rides will be available for an extra $5 per person.  See Mrs. Sweebe or Mrs. Moody if you have questions in room 6A.

Men’s Warehouse will be here Monday & Tuesday during both lunch hours.  Talk with a representative about what is available in tuxedo rentals for prom.

Every 2.5 seconds someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.  Wear your teal ribbon in recognition of Denim Day and Sexual Assault Awareness!

Fifth-graders from Pine River Elementary will be selling anti-bullying bracelets during both lunches on Tuesday. The cost of the bracelet is $1.00. The fifth-grade class is earning money to help sponsor an anti-bullying assembly for all elementary students. So bring your dollar to help them spread their no-bullying message!

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