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Today at BCMS

We will be celebrating Nonviolence week this week.  It will be a fun-filled week with lots of activities to help us promote nonviolence.  Special things to remember this week.  Tuesday will be Orange Day and Thursday will be Purple Day.   Friday will be “Superhero” Day where students can dress up like their favorite superhero to stand up against violence.    Wednesday will also be “High Five” day and you will be participating in “Mix It Up” at lunch.  Let’s make it a great week.

Today’s Bullying Facts & Statistics: Every 7 minutes a kid is bullied on a school playground with greater than 85% of those instances occurring without any intervention.  More than 43% of Middle & high school students avoid using school bathrooms for fear of being harassed or bullied.

Student council members remember that there will be a clean up on Thursday, May 3 after school.

8th grade softball won both games in a double header against Swan Valley.  Rylie Kalina pitched the first game striking out 14 and only giving up 1 hit. They won the game 2-0. Megan Robinette pitched the second game also striking out 14 and giving up 1 hit. They won the game 11-1.  Hitting leaders were Adriana Burkhart and Megan Robinette. MaKayla Sasse had good defensive plays. The team is now 3-1. The next game is Monday at BCHS.

7th graders:  Please turn in your signed copy of your EDP to Mrs. Fermoyle immediately.

Attention 8th graders: Your Mackinac Island paperwork and money are due to Mrs. Willsie by Wednesday, May 2. List preferred group and chaperones. No late paperwork or money will be accepted.

7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls Basketball Sign up in the office.

Please sign up in the office for 9th Grade Cheerleading tryouts.

Lunch tomorrow: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, or Pizza Choice, Tossed Salad, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.


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