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Resources for Parents

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Bullock Creek Endowment Fund whose purpose is to support the mission of the school district. It is unrestricted as to its use as long as it furthers the mission of our schools.


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Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader View all of the available tests at: Pine River (PDF) Floyd (PDF) BCEL (PDF) Enable Javascript in your browser to view this content. Accelerated Reader, a reading management software, provides teachers at Pine River with an easy and effective way to monitor all forms of guided reading practice. Teachers get detailed, objective data to target instruction …

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Parent Organizations

Parent Organizations Parents in the Bullock Creek community invest a tremendous number of hours each year volunteering for school activities. Some are involved in organized groups such as those listed here, but most volunteer their time as individuals to: chaperone dances, help with book fairs, serve as student mentors, supervise on field trips, and so …

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Bullock Creek Lancer Bands

   Event Schedules   |   Band Boosters   |   Family Accounts   |   Band Camp   |   Awards   |   Disney   |   Beginning Band   |   About Us   |   Drum Line Links Bullock Creek Bands History Photo Album     One of the best ways to stay informed of band related information and events is to go join the Bullock Creek …

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