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Today at BCMS

No 2H today in Mrs. Rinn’s Room

Wednesday, 8th grade softball split with Shepherd winning the first game 11-3 and lost the second game 12-11.  leading hitters were first game  Megan Robinette 3 for 3 hits with a double rbi  Claire Bates had a double and single rbi 2 for 3 hits Makayla Sasse 2 for 3 hits second game.  Kelsi Jacobs  had two doubles that each contributed to  double RBI’s 3 for 4 hit Makayla Sasse had two rbis’ and was  2 for 4 hits Adriana Burkhardt 2 for 4 hits  Catcher  Kelsey Jacobs threw a bullet to second easily to make an amazing out in the second game!!

Tomorrow morning will be the last day for the school year to buy a donut.

The Band Boosters are offering a DVD of the concerts for this school year for $5.  Purchase can be made for both spring concerts.  Further information is available at the office.

The Bullock Creek Bands are collecting Box Tops at the band concerts.  There will be collection boxes in the lobby area.

Reminder that the 6th & 7th graders are performing Tuesday night with the at the BCHS Auditorium.

Bullock Creek Volleyball Summer Camps Registration Forms are in the office and are due by June 10th.

The last day for students to check out library books is May 18.  All books are due back to the library on May 25!  If students have not returned all their books by the end of the year they will not receive their report card or yearbook.  They need to return the books or see Mrs. Brege to make arrangements to pay for them.

All play cast members need to see Mrs. Brandt to purchase a DVD for $1.

7th and 8th Grade Boys and Girls Basketball Sign up in the office.

Please sign up in the office for 9th Grade Cheerleading tryouts.

Lunch Tomorrow: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Sun Chips or Cook’s Choice, with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk

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